Patent Information

Patent Marking Notification

Pursuant to the America Invents Act and 35 U.S.C. § 287(a), this website provides notice to the public that Aquapaw products are covered by one or more U.S. Patents. The information is updated periodically and may not list all Aquapaw products that are covered by patents or every patent that covers any Aquapaw product. Although Aquapaw owns patents in many countries, the patent marking information provided on this site applies only to the United States.
This site is not intended to provide legal advice and does not waive any legal rights or remedies that Aquapaw may have. For any questions or concerns, please email us at

Patent Numbers

D861,995 S

11,419,309 B2

10,834,894 B2

11,812,730 B1

D873,507 S

11,096,474 B2

10,531,728 B2

11,096,475 B2


We put in a lot of time and work hard at Aquapaw to develop products that people will love so we protect our proprietary information both in the US and Internationally whenever possible.


The Aquapaw Bathing Tool design is protected under design patent D873507 and U.S. utility patent Nos. 11,096,474 and 10,531,728. 

The Aquapaw Slow Treater design and function is protected under design patent D861995 and U. S. utility patent No. 10,834,894 and U.S. utility patent Nos. 11,419,309 11,812,730.



Aquapaw is a registered trademark with the USPTO and Internationally.

Slow Treater is a registered trademark with the USPTO and Internationally.


This page is periodically updated with details about our Intellectual Property and may not reflect all of Aquapaw's Intellectual property and all times.  For any questions, please e-mail and we will respond as soon as possible.